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This website will add to frequently asked questions as the customer base increases.

  • It seems like some subjects are missing?
    New content is being added regularly.
  • I have a problem I can't solve, and I don't see it in the videos."
    Videos typify questions often seen regarding a subject. The videos provide the concept of how to work a type of problem. Think carefully about the methods used to solve the problems in the videos; apply these same methods to your problem.
  • Can I get a video for a specific problem?
    Science problems often originate from copyrighted sources. If you request a video for a specific problem, you must provide the complete identity of the source of the problem. For example, if the problem originates from a textbook, you must provide the name of the textbook, edition, and page. If the problem comes from an instructor, you must provide the name of the instructor's name and institution. Science Problems Solved, L.L.C. will not knowingly infringe on copyrighted information.
  • I can get solutions in the back of the textbook or from other websites.
    Videos on Science Problems Solved explain how to work problems. They don't just show the solution.

Homework help when and where you need it.

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