Science Problems Solved can help a student learn.
One of the greatest frustrations a student has when learning a subject is not being able to work a problem. Sometimes the student may be making a simple error. Other times the student may have little grasp of the concepts needed to solve the problem. Either way, time spent with no success is frustrating.
To learn how to work problems, a student needs to see many problems worked, and needs to understand the concepts underlying each problem. This website provides videos of worked problems. Each solution is explained. For each type of question there are usually multiple worked problems, helping a student to perceive conceptual nuances.
To properly use this website, a student should watch a video regarding a specific type of problem. Then, the student should attempt the problem or a similar problem independently, with no aid. If the student cannot work the problem independently, the video explanation should be re-visited, and another independent attempt made. Through the process of seeing problems worked and working problems, in conjunction with other study behaviors, i.e. attending lectures and reading the textbook, a student can gain mastery of a subject.
This website can facilitate learning by allowing a student to work at an individual pace. This website is intended to be individually used, mitigating peer pressure in learning and serving as a great aid for independent study. A student with commitments that cannot visit with teaching assistants, attend professor's office hours or other learning venues will find quality explanations to science problems herein; this help is available when it is needed.
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